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Writer's pictureMaddy Miller

The C's of Me

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

Creativity, Collaboration, Community

I’m not the biggest fan of alliterations because sometimes I think they are a bit cheesy. However, the other day, I realized that my passions in life all start with the letter “C”. So before you judge the amount of cheesiness in the title of this blog, I really encourage you to keep reading & enjoy some of my favorite HUJI photo moments.

Creativity. Growing up, I was always seen as a creative child. At least that is how I saw it… my siblings would probably describe it more as “weird” and “strange”. But I was a free spirit with a huge imagination; I’m not even sure why I am using past tense here, because really I still am all these things. I love all things art and anything that involves using your imagination to create something. One of my favorite gifts I got growing up was this huge sparkly purple box filled to the top with art supplies. (I’m not gonna lie, I think I got that when I was like six years old and I threw that box out my senior year of high school.) Art has always been a way for me to express myself. I can’t say that I have a gift of art but rather I see it more as a hobby. I considered going into graphic design when I came to school, but I realized my creativity isn’t limited to just the realm of art itself. I believe that creativity can be expressed in a variety of areas, whether that is in running a business, being in a group, planning and organization, or just how you live your life. That then brings me to my next “C”.

Collaboration. Have you ever been in a group project where you do all the work or you feel like you have to be the leader because if not, it’s not gonna get done? That is one of my least favorite things, mainly because it just isn’t fair nor is it effective. I think being in this scenario way too many times has made me love that feeling of group collaboration. Those times when you are with a bunch of people on the same level of passion that you are. For example, everytime I have a meeting with my Design and Marketing Team at my school, it is so inspiring and encouraging to me. We all are there with our different talents and gifts, putting our best foot forward on how best to market the projects we have been given. There is an art to collaboration, and when it is used to its maximum power, it creates something so powerful and captivating. And this isn’t just in the final product, but also within the people that came together to produce it. It has made me become so thankful for the people I surround myself with and am able to collaborate with on a daily basis, which brings me to the final “C”.

Community. I choose to be a communications major because I am passionate about people. The funny thing is, I don’t think I realized how passionate I truly was until I was fully immersed into the major. I took classes that focused on relationships with people and how to be a part of a team. This realization combined with going to Taylor University made me fall in love with the idea of intentional community (and if you go to TU, you’ll understand why I was hesitant to use that phrase but it truly describes how I feel!!). I love the idea of people that love being together. I have experienced this in my family, with my youth group, my friends in high school, but most intentionally with people at my school. We have a culture that wants people to belong and focuses on how to do that best in the name of the Lord. What a truly beautiful thing.

So there it is, my cheesy alliteration that describes my top passions. Of course, I have other passions, like pizza with lots of cheese and winning board games, but these are the passions that encourage me to wake up every morning and want to be someone and do something in this world.

I have to admit, this has been hard during this time of COVID-19 simply because my days are dry and I don’t have as much motivation. Being in quarantine has led me to be less creative, not be able to collaborate as well (although I would love to give a quick shoutout to Zoom, you’re the best), and I have lost the community I love most in giving up half of my junior year spring semester. However, I am encouraged that there is a light at the end of this tunnel. I hope that I come out of this time being more passionate than ever and live my life with more gratitude for the things I love most: creativity, collaboration, and community.

with my love of pilot g-2 07 colored pens, madelyn kate

-this blog post was sponsored by my Happy Planner© that helps me to not forget to do important things like assignments, meetings, and drink water-

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